Arabic & Anxiety

Does the idea of speaking Arabic in front of people make you break into a cold sweat? You’re not alone. 

What causes anxiety?

Learning anxiety is not uncommon, especially when it comes to languages that are notoriously challenging like Arabic. This can be compounded if you’ve had hard experiences in other learning environments.

The biggest challenge most of our clients face is fear. Fear of failure, fear of seeming foolish, or simply fear of sounding weird. This fear can lead to self-doubt and avoidance, and worry about not meeting expectations.

But language learning is a process. Mistakes are an essential part of that process. Embracing imperfection allows us to grow and improve our skills over time. We’ve had hundreds of clients start Arabic from the beginning. We’ve all had to start from the beginning. We know how scary it can feel. 

When it comes specifically to learning Arabic, the complex grammar rules and unique script may initially seem intimidating. It’s easy to get overwhelmed at your own perceived lack of progress.  But with the right mindset and approach, this beautiful language can be conquered.

Let me say that again: No matter what your fears may tell you. You can learn to speak Arabic.

With the right mindset and approach, you can conquer your fears and overcome learning anxiety.

How to manage anxiety while learning Arabic?

One effective strategy is to shift your perspective on mistakes. Rather than viewing them as embarrassing moments or signs of incompetence, see them as valuable opportunities for growth. Embrace the fact that making mistakes is an essential part of the learning journey and an indication that you are pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone. Some clients find success by trying to hit a certain number of mistakes in a session. If you aren’t making a few mistakes, you probably aren’t taking enough risks. 

Suspend judgment of yourself and allow yourself the freedom to fail. You might be surprised at how well you succeed.

Additionally, seeking support from fellow language learners or joining supportive communities can provide a sense of belonging and encouragement. Surrounding yourself with individuals who share similar experiences and challenges can help alleviate anxiety by creating a safe space where mistakes are celebrated as stepping stones toward improvement. 

Furthermore, incorporating relaxation techniques into your language learning routine can help manage anxiety levels. Whether it’s deep breathing exercises, meditation, prayer, or engaging in activities that bring you joy alongside language practice – finding moments to unwind and destress will contribute to a more positive learning experience.

And you’re not alone. All Arabius clients have access to client success coaches. These trained staff members are able to meet with you and identify obstacles to your continued progress. This is a free service offered to all clients. Just reach out to client care to set up an appointment. 

Ready to conquer your fears?

Remember that conquering your fears requires patience and perseverance. Celebrate small victories along the way and acknowledge the progress you make, no matter how small it may seem at times. By embracing vulnerability and facing your anxieties head-on, you will pave the way for personal growth while achieving your goals in Arabic language proficiency.


It’s possible to learn Arabic. We can’t wait to see you accomplish your goals. We’d love to be a part of your journey.